IVANKA: Good morning, Father. Welcome to your first day of public service!
DONALD: Yeah, it’s gonna be really great. Public servants. Over 300 million of them! And they all work for me now. Amazing. Most of them voted for me, you know. They love me.
IVANKA: Public service, that’s what I was referring to.
DONALD: I heard you – public servants. Even our Blacks. And all those Mexicans. Incredible. And when you’re a president they let you do anything. Grab anything! (Chuckle) Believe me, this is the start of something big.
IVANKA: (Sigh) Never mind.
DONALD: Yeah, it’s gonna be really great. Public servants. Over 300 million of them! And they all work for me now. Amazing. Most of them voted for me, you know. They love me.
IVANKA: Public service, that’s what I was referring to.
DONALD: I heard you – public servants. Even our Blacks. And all those Mexicans. Incredible. And when you’re a president they let you do anything. Grab anything! (Chuckle) Believe me, this is the start of something big.
IVANKA: (Sigh) Never mind.