Meet Joy.
She’s oozing with positivity and bliss. She’s fun and she’s dedicated to happiness. Joy’s a good leader and her enthusiasm can be infectious. Her dark side (until the film proceeds) is that she wants to exclude other emotions, particularly Sadness) from taking up space in Riley’s brain. Joy is particularly uncomfortable when Sadness tries to reinsert herself into Riley’s memories.
She’s oozing with positivity and bliss. She’s fun and she’s dedicated to happiness. Joy’s a good leader and her enthusiasm can be infectious. Her dark side (until the film proceeds) is that she wants to exclude other emotions, particularly Sadness) from taking up space in Riley’s brain. Joy is particularly uncomfortable when Sadness tries to reinsert herself into Riley’s memories.
My SoulCollage® cards -
Happy Child – I am One Who is at the core of your Joy. It all started with me and I am here for you always. I am your purest form of happy, your simplest form of glee. I see nothing in my way and understand no reason to be anything but content.
Enthusiasm – I Am One Who feels the Joy of Spirit, the driving force of the Divine, within me. I am often your nourishment to continue on difficult paths, to reach the summit. I also infuse your fondest memories. I can be surprisingly infectious and a powerful tool of leadership. However I may also be overwhelming and relentless to others within me and outside me.
Just Being – I Am One Who simply is. I am Divine Contentment, the grown up version of your Happy Child. (I thank Mariabruna Sirabella for encouraging me to make this card several years ago.)
Reflections on this process:
I have many joyful cards of me doing enJOYable things (e,g, Traveler, Cook, Gardener, Water Lover, Playful Self), but these three were the ones that fit the large concepts of our friend, Joy. I will work later to find Joy’s presence within other Committee cards, but these will do for now. Interesting that I have included child and adult Committee cards for Joy.
We will each have not only our own cards and images for these characters; we’ll refine the terminology to find the specific names or labels that serve us.
Enthusiasm – I Am One Who feels the Joy of Spirit, the driving force of the Divine, within me. I am often your nourishment to continue on difficult paths, to reach the summit. I also infuse your fondest memories. I can be surprisingly infectious and a powerful tool of leadership. However I may also be overwhelming and relentless to others within me and outside me.
Just Being – I Am One Who simply is. I am Divine Contentment, the grown up version of your Happy Child. (I thank Mariabruna Sirabella for encouraging me to make this card several years ago.)
Reflections on this process:
I have many joyful cards of me doing enJOYable things (e,g, Traveler, Cook, Gardener, Water Lover, Playful Self), but these three were the ones that fit the large concepts of our friend, Joy. I will work later to find Joy’s presence within other Committee cards, but these will do for now. Interesting that I have included child and adult Committee cards for Joy.
We will each have not only our own cards and images for these characters; we’ll refine the terminology to find the specific names or labels that serve us.