As we Northern Hemisphere peoples prepare for the introspective winter season, we also greet the return of the light, the lengthening days that begin December 23. It is a sacred time for intentions and transitions. An abundance of light-related words come to mind - enlightenment, lighthearted, lighten, delight, lightening, and lighten-up. Here’s an idea for this time of year:
My two cards (“Hitting the Wall/Defeat” and Queen of My Own Fate”) are shared here, as is my sacred space where they rest together in a purple scarf. As I was placing my cards together, I noticed they each have a fist – one of frustration, the other of power. Wonder what they’ll have to say on December 23…
- Intentionally, select two Committee cards from your deck. The first should be a card that feels heavy, dark or despondent; it is a card that represents a part of you that needs support and light at this time. Choose a second card that represents a bright, empowering part of you (even if that part of you seems dormant in these challenging times). Ask each to speak about its role in your current state of being. Also ask each card what it needs to serve you in a positive and supportive way.
- Place the cards face-to-face in a safe, sacred place. You may wish to wrap them in a lovely scarf or tie them together with special ribbon or yarn. Allow them to remain together at least overnight, and at least until December 23.
- December 23 or later, take some quiet time to retrieve the cards and place them face up, in front of you. Look at each card in detail separately and as a pair. Notice any energetic shifts in the cards and in yourself since you last viewed them. Ask the cards how light and lightness can be nurtured in your life. What synergy exists between these two Neters to help you?
My two cards (“Hitting the Wall/Defeat” and Queen of My Own Fate”) are shared here, as is my sacred space where they rest together in a purple scarf. As I was placing my cards together, I noticed they each have a fist – one of frustration, the other of power. Wonder what they’ll have to say on December 23…