Sustaining Your SoulCollage® Practice
in Changing Times
Join us in 2023 for the 4th offering.
An online course series
with Michele Manos and Kat Kirby
Schedule TBA
All sessions are recorded and available to participants!
We remain in changing times, with many uncertainties. One thing is certain: online meetings and workshops are here to stay! Join us to hone your skills for developing and hosting virtual gatherings, and to expand your repertoire for those eventual in person meetings. Grow your flexibility and confidence as a leader in both virtual and physical spaces. Learn new approaches to create themes and activities that work well online for a broad spectrum of participants.
Perfect for all enthusiastic SoulCollagers and others who want to enrich their interactive gatherings in the virtual world, and prepare for in person meetings to come – from those hosting informal gatherings to trained SoulCollage® Facilitators leading workshops.
1: Staying Connected in Your Personal SoulCollage® Practice and as a Workshop Leader. Receive a wealth of recommendations for online opportunities to grow your personal SoulCollage® practice, and get ideas for the groups you plan to host. Gain the tools to feel confident leading your own virtual creative gatherings - practical suggestions for supplies, equipment and crucial preparation. We'll discuss options for marketing, registration, policies and preparedness for virtual and in person meetings.
2: An Online "Introduction to SoulCollage®" in 90 Minutes (2 hour session).
Experience a 90-minute introduction to the magic of SoulCollage®, followed by a Q&A and helpful hints for adapting any experiential session to the virtual world. While only trained SoulCollage® Facilitators may teach this specific workshop, the demonstrated technologies, refinements and structure will be valuable to any creative online offering.
3: Themes, Content and Structures for Gatherings. Who might benefit from the magic of SoulCollage® and other creative arts in this time of transition and reemergence? How can an online gathering be tailored for various groups and different levels of experience? What activities are amenable to a virtual session? Tap into your creativity and adaptability; generate some fresh ideas for virtual and in person gatherings.
4: Maintaining and Nourishing Your Creative Community. Discover a spectrum of unifying activities and formats to create and maintain connections virtually and in person. Experience a group exploration and learn how to create your own, using Zoom's friendly breakout group feature. As in person gatherings become possible, understand the many factors to consider as an event leader. Get ideas to minimize infection risks in various kinds of meeting and retreat spaces.
Kat Kirby and Michele Manos, two innovative SoulCollage® Facilitators, are again offering this online series. It is designed to help you continue discovering your wisdom and changing your world with this creative and spiritual practice, developed by the late Seena Frost. Each week brings you new ideas for connecting virtually, whether with SoulCollage® or other shared creative endeavors. Kat and Michele will offer presentations, discussions, activities and resources to harness your flexibility and resilience to stay connected, whether virtually or in person, in these changing times.
Perfect for all enthusiastic SoulCollagers and others who want to enhance their interactive gatherings in the virtual world, and prepare for in person gatherings to come!
Can't attend each session live? A recording will be available for viewing after each session!
Course series fee: TBA

In 2020, 2021, and 2022 over 120 Facilitators and other SoulCollagers participated in the course series "Sustaining Your SoulCollage® Practice." Many of them are now hosting their own virtual groups, leading creative workshops online, and developing novel workshops that include art, SoulCollage®, creative writing and more!
Comments from participants in this course series -
Personally, I felt refreshed and also inspired. Professionally, I learned tools to improve my virtual classes.
Already putting to use what I have learned. Great sharing of tips, tools, techniques and equipment.
I feel more confident I could provide a class on Zoom and that it could look and function in a professional way. I also like that you showed us how to handle some of the hiccups that can occur with Zoom/virtual classes!
I have been wanting to do online SoulCollage classes and feeling unsure about how to manage the process..... I gained sufficient knowledge to be able to improvise for my environment.
You definitely expanded my way of thinking and presented such a great variety of themes and ideas that can be used for a workshop. I fear before these sessions I might have been terribly boring. Now I feel excited to try all your suggestions...
Comments from participants in this course series -
Personally, I felt refreshed and also inspired. Professionally, I learned tools to improve my virtual classes.
Already putting to use what I have learned. Great sharing of tips, tools, techniques and equipment.
I feel more confident I could provide a class on Zoom and that it could look and function in a professional way. I also like that you showed us how to handle some of the hiccups that can occur with Zoom/virtual classes!
I have been wanting to do online SoulCollage classes and feeling unsure about how to manage the process..... I gained sufficient knowledge to be able to improvise for my environment.
You definitely expanded my way of thinking and presented such a great variety of themes and ideas that can be used for a workshop. I fear before these sessions I might have been terribly boring. Now I feel excited to try all your suggestions...