Michele ponders many topics, often with heartfelt enthusiasm.
Sometimes she just needs to rant a bit (of course, from a well-informed,
reasoned perspective). Her blogs posts are sporadic, but timely.
Through one of her blog pages, she shares her (often magical) personal journey with the therapeutic art process of SoulCollage®.
You’re welcome to laugh, scream, or even cry at her ramblings. If
you choose to comment, please be civil and on point. That way she’ll consider posting your words.
Sometimes she just needs to rant a bit (of course, from a well-informed,
reasoned perspective). Her blogs posts are sporadic, but timely.
Through one of her blog pages, she shares her (often magical) personal journey with the therapeutic art process of SoulCollage®.
You’re welcome to laugh, scream, or even cry at her ramblings. If
you choose to comment, please be civil and on point. That way she’ll consider posting your words.