SoulCollage® Facilitators - Arizona Regional Group
Michele Manos is the Regional Coordinator for this group of trained Facilitators.
Arizona Regional Gathering of Facilitators
Saturday, February 15, 2020
10 am to 4:30 pm
First Church UCC
1407 N 2nd St, Phoenix
Our day will include an opening ceremony/activity, a new way of hearing from our cards, and a chance to test out one of your new ideas. Plenty of images and time for card making! You may bring a lunch or there are several options nearby.
Thanks to our local host and organizer, Cindie James!
Please register by submitting a small fee through PayPal no later than February 2. This covers the room fee and supplies. (Please contact Michele if this is not possible for you.)
Submit your $17 fee via Pay Pal HERE:

Arizona Regional Gathering of Facilitators
Sunday, January 6, 2019
10 am to 4:30 pm
Phoenix, AZ
Arizona Regional Gathering of Facilitators
Sunday, January 6, 2019
10 am to 4:30 pm
Phoenix, AZ
We began the New Year with a meaningful day of learning, sharing, new friends, and much fun. Here's what we did:
9:30am Check-in 10:00 Welcome Activity and Circle 11:15 "Facilitator Me, Myself and I" - a SoulCollage® Card Game experience with Michele 12:30pm Lunch break (restaurant or bag lunch) 1:30 Test runs: experience some new ideas shared by other Facilitators. Three different explorations, 15 minutes each. Presenters were Kat Kirby, Paula Artac, Kathi Sinclair. 2:30 Open studio time, with hundreds of images! 4:00 Closing Ceremony Many thanks to Phoenix area Facilitators Paula Artac, Cindie James and Claire Perkins for serving as our local planners and hosts!
Memories from Autumn Regional Facilitator Gathering -
Saturday, November 12, 2016 at Crescent Moon Cabin, Sedona
Saturday, November 12, 2016 at Crescent Moon Cabin, Sedona
Regional gatherings of SoulCollage® Facilitators are held to support friendship, networking, and the practice of this magical process that we share. Any fees requested for these events are applied to venue costs, meals, and supplies. Individual facilitators do not benefit financially from hosting an event.
We appreciate volunteers to help with organize and host these events so that we can hold them in various parts of Arizona. |
Regional Facilitator gatherings will be posted here and announced by email. Contact Michele with your ideas for dates, places, and a willingness to help organize or host a meeting of kindred spirits. And let her know if you have a relevant event to announce to others in the AZ region.